Recommendations & Links
To help you in preparing for your pregnancy, birth and life with a newborn, I've curated a list of my favorite tools to aide in labor and the essentials for the newborn phase. These are just a selection of my top recommendations, not an exhaustive list of everything!
For your pregnancy
Birth Ball - helpful for birth prep and for soothing baby postpartum
Best prenatal vitamins- based on many consults with health professionals, dietitians & my own clients
Magnesium for better sleep * - helps with the Charlie horses, cramps and overall muscle aches during pregnancy
Best electrolytes - staying hydrated and keeping your electrolytes balanced pre, during and after birth is critical
Colostrum Collecting Kit - nice to have a backup of colostrum so you can ensure that baby gets colostrum in the first couple days
Ginger chews - for nausea, headaches, boost of energy
Best pregnancy pillow - my favorite one to make third trimester rest/sleep a little more comfortable
*always check with provider prior to using
For your hospital bag
​Tea light candles - sets a calming tone for your hospital birth
Honey sticks for energy boost - quick sugar right before pushing
Coconut oil packs - multipurpose for sore nipples and for baby's bottom to make diaper changes easier
Best Portable fan to attach to hospital bed - just trust me on this!
Hot/cold pack for shoulders and lower back - super helpful especially during active labor
Fuzzy Grip Socks - you will want cozy socks for all those hormone fluctuations during labor
Empty foldable bag - ideal for bringing home all the postpartum stuff they give you at he hospital
Easy to pack robe - takes up no space and is so cozy for hospital stay and postpartum
Snapless baby onsies - trust me on this! You don't want to be doing lots of snaps after every diaper change
Natural digestion aid - delicious and effective ginger tea that's a great laxative alternative
Postpartum underwear - especially helpful post belly births (AKA c-sections)
For the newborn phase (0-3 months)
All over ointment - expensive but worth it and can be used for everything (cradle cap, irritation, diaper cream), and doesn't leave greasy or cakey residue
Gripe Water - Natural remedy for relieving tummy discomfort from gas/hiccups. Works so well!
Stretchy, cozy swaddles - less likely for baby to squirm out of it
Snot Sucker - this is one of hacks to help baby sleep better and more soundly. You'd be surprised how stuffy baby noses can be early on
Bouncing Chair - baby loves this especially to soothe when gassy
Bouncing Chair sensory play addition - nice way to keep baby entertained
Changing pad liners - you can also use disposable if easier but I like that these can be easily washed
Hands-free nursing/pumping bra - if you plan to pump, this is a must
Soothing sound machine - most babies find this really soothing
Pacifiers that actually stay put - light enough that they don't fall out of newborns' mouths
Pacifier clip - helpful for when you start leaving the house
Bottle drying rack - makes life easier so you can prepare a bottle quickly when hunger strikes
High contrast cards for sensory play - never too early to start
Muslin bibs for feeding/drooling - always good to have a few in rotation
Butt Paste Spatula - for mess free diaper changes, but just a reminder don't need to use butt paste preventatively
Aero Flow Breast Pumps: Platform for easily purchasing pumps via insurance
Other Postpartum Favorites
Best protein bars - great for quick, high protein (and yummy) snack!
Snacks for pumping/ nursing station - quick energy/healthy fats
Vitamin D drops for baby - breast milk does not have Vitamin D, so it's good to add these to the bottle once a day
Support pillow for any type of feeding - I like that it still allows for plenty of contact with baby
Nipple pads for chapped nipples - for those early days as your nipples are adjusting
Nipple shields to troubleshoot latching - for when you need a better latch
Bathtub that actually keeps baby warm - love these wings so you don't have to wet washcloths to keep baby warm
Natural laxatives for immediate postpartum - my clients swear by this tea
Non-toxic Stain remover - for just about all newborn stains!
Stoke grow-with-me chair - I now understand why this has been around for a long time - it's so worth the investment!
Window Spinners - great for newborn travel
Pregnancy & Postpartum Books
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